If you’re ready to fix this, check out these energy efficiency tips below.
Is it time to soundproof?Maybe you have very loud neighbors who enjoy a good party, or they tend to talk with their voices raised late at night. If you are in this situation, you know this can be very inconvenient. If you live in a house that is freestanding, being able to hear the sound in different rooms can keep you and your children up at night. This can keep everyone from getting a good night sleep.
Simple pleasures such as listening to music and watching TV can become challenging. If your home is not properly soundproofed, you probably aren’t enjoying it as you should. This can be fixed.
Keep it nice and quietSoundproofing is something that is easily overlooked when first buying a home, but it is never too late to fix. By injecting foam into concrete walls, you have an easy solution to your sound problem. Foam can fill all small cracks and shut out sound. The foam travels through the wall, covering every pipe and crevices where sound tends to flow.
You will get much better results from foam than you would sand, plus, with the right professionals, it can be done fast without getting in the way of your daily duties.
Use top quality foam insulationDo not waste your money on cut-rate foam. Top quality foam is fire resistant, has antifungal properties and fights termites and mold. In addition to keeping out sound, you do not have to worry about letting pests in your house.
Foam is proven to decrease the amount of sound permeating through the concrete walls by roughly 6 decibels. This is will literally reduce sound by 50%. You are guaranteed to notice a big difference.
It not only cuts down on sound but it also provides good insulation. Just like sound, heat and cold air can seep through the walls; therefore proper insulation is necessary for your home to remain cool in the summer and warm during the cooler months. You are going to save on energy and reduce unwanted sound.
Get your home soundproofed todayWhen you are ready to make the life changing decision to have your San Antonio home professionally insulated do not hesitate to call us. Our team of professionals is well equipped to install foam that saves you energy and reduces unwanted noise in your home. We do installations in select walls or throughout the entire home.
Want to learn more? Contact us now to find out about InsulSmart soundproofing insulation to see if this is the solution that fits your needs.
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