Read on to learn more about the unique benefits of triple pane windows.
Why Triple Pane WindowsTriple pane windows are an energy efficient upgrade from double pane windows. Triple pane has two spacers instead of the one that comes with double pane, as well as three panes of glass. It is more heavy duty and durable than double glazing.
While triple pane windows may be heavier, there is no real difference when it comes to wear and tear or use of your windows. Consumers tend to find triple pane windows more appealing due to their performance, and most have an energy rating that is almost 30% higher than double glazed windows.
What Goes into a Triple Pane Window Triple Glazed Frame MaterialTriple pane windows require a durable frame material that is strong enough to handle these heavy windows. The makeup of fiberglass frames allows it to endure plenty of weight. You’ll never have to worry about it caving in, bending or coiling at any point.
SpacersTriple pane windows come with two spacers that divide the panes of glass. We prefer to use Premium Super Spacers instead of the warm edge spacer that most companies are using. The reason for this is because Premium Super Spacers consist of high-quality silicone that is resistant to UV light oxidation. It is also good for withholding argon gas making it more energy efficient.
Gas FillsBoth double pane and triple pane windows use gas fills the same way. What makes them different is how triple pane fiberglass windows contain gas in both air fill spaces in between the panes of glass. This construction makes triple pane windows a far more energy efficient option.
Types of GlassWith triple glazed windows, two of three layers of a soft/hard coat low-emissivity film can be combined on the surface areas that are unexposed. This is a difference you will notice. Three layers of glass mean the windows are more noise resistant, and you can enjoy the peace and quiet inside your home.
We enjoy installing triple pane windows! If you are ready to upgrade the comfort and energy efficiency of your San Antonio home, give us a call today.
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